Travel with nikolay100
My name is Nikolay and this is my blog for travel itineraries and trips. I can say that I love to travel, but who doesn’t right? Instead I will tell you that I have been professionally involved in the Travel industry for over 12 years which gave me the chance to see traveling from a different perspective. During these years I have seen many tricks and gained knowledge about flight pricing, hotel price policies and many more procedures that Airlines, Touroperators and Online Travel Agencies use on a daily basis.
My idea is to publish beautiful itineraries for trips with highest possible quality, but for the lowest possible price. By doing a thorough research and using the knowledge I have in travel industry pricing, I will give you the chance to realize your trip to the long dreamed destination. On the blog you can find articles and how-tos for finding the cheapest flights, discounted hotels, rent-a-car deals and other tips and tricks for budget traveling. I really hope that any of the advises I publish here will be useful to you and I would love to hear your stories when you come back from you favorite destination.
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